Mass for the Plague

Saturday Jul 18, 2020 @ 7 pm
Karjalohja church, Kirkkoharjuntie, Karjalohja
Tickets: 20/15 € at Holvi or at the venue

Do you require immunity for the Plague? Come to Utopia Chamber Choir’s summer concert in the beautiful church of Karjalohja! In Mediaeval Europe plague was rampant, and remedies were sought for fiercely. Head epidemiologist at the time, and specialist in all plague matters, Pope Clement VI, using the powers bestowed upon him, constituted a Mass against the Plague in 1348. By attending said Mass and burning a candle for five days afterwards, immunity for the plague was obtained. Utopia Chamber Choir offer you a chance to experience this Mass on Saturday, July 18th. Any medical effects of Mass for the Plague against the Coronavirus have not been shown by research, so the audience should take necessary cautionary measures. For reasons of security, only 50 people will be admitted in the audience. Music by Palestrina, Byrd, Praetorius.